After a few years, finally I have taken the iniciative. xD
In 2017 will be coming the first chapter of first season of my series ''The Grand Portal''.
At this moment I am creating the DEFINITIVE Opening and Ending, and idealizing ideas for the first chapter and for all the season.
In January I will post the Opening and Ending, and so, I will start creating the first chapter, to post it between March and May.
If you're interested, here are some things that I will change from the first idea, and things that will happen, also villains, etc.
1. The definitive version, will not have Mario and Sonic characters, only my original characters. (That doesn't change the plans of Sonic Adventure Z)
2. Actually I have planned 3 seasons, each with different objectives, the first season will be about the ''Black Stars'', you would know what they are soon.
3. There will be 3 principal antagonists, the first will be a liar who wants to be like the hero, but as soon as he couldn't, he started to hate him, the second antagonist is Mandalord (A character created by me and my friend) and his followers/crew, called ''The Black Eyes Society'' who wants the Blacks Stars to own the ultimate power, and at last, they're a evil coporation, soon I will talk about this one.
4. If this project receives the enough acceptation, it could have voices in the 2nd or 3rd season
5. The series will begin with a initiated hero, and would have Flashbacks at the end of some episodes to tell the main character origin story.
6. Each episode must have a 20 minutes duration.
That's all, if you want to know more about this, follow me, thanks for reading. :D